UPDATED Proposed Planning Application in Dorchester

Supported Housing Scheme for Adults with a Learning/Physical Disability
The Old School, School Lane, Dorchester.
Exhibition to be held at
The Old School, School Lane, Dorchester
Monday 3rd April 2017,
4pm to 7pm
The proposal is to develop the site to provide 3 new disability adapted bungalows and 2 further one bedroom houses and communal lounge in the existing Old School/Arts Centre Building.
The houses and bungalows will be owned by East Boro Housing Trust who will manage and maintain the scheme. East Boro provides housing for the sheltered elderly and people with learning disabilities and has some 60 schemes throughout Dorset.
They will be let to people who have a learning/physical disability who need supported living and who will benefit from the town centre location.
Come to the exhibition and tell us what you think of the proposals. However, if you are unable to come along to the exhibition you can view by downloading the PDFs below
Proposed Planning Application The Old School, Dorchester
UPDATE: East Boro Housing Trust are very pleased to announce that we have been granted planning permission to develop the site of the Old School/Arts Centre in Dorchester. The redevelopment of the site will provide three disability adapted bungalows and two one bedroom houses and a communal lounge in the existing building.
Date Posted: Tuesday 7th November 2017 @ 11:11