Tel 0333 400 8222

How to apply

Applying for Housing

Since April 2010 East Boro no longer operate its own, independent housing waiting list. Instead we use the Choice Based Letting System, explained below. The key Local Authorities with which we work include Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Councils and Dorset Councils.

To apply for housing please use the links below. Make sure you have completed an application form and are registered on the housing waiting list for the area in which you'd like to live.


Dorset Home Choice: BCP

For people wishing to apply for housing in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole.


Dorset Home Choice: Dorset Council

For people wishing to apply for housing in rest of Dorset.


Applying for Housing - explained:-

Choice Based Lettings (CBL) is an online system whereby providers of affordable social housing can advertise their vacant (void) properties. Anyone registered on the housing waiting list with the Local Authority for that area can then 'bid' on a property to express an interest. If the bid is successful you will be contacted first by the Local Authority who nominates you to the housing provider, who in turn then contact you to arrange for you to view the property and to go through your nomination in more detail. If you wish to accept the property the housing provider then arranges a 'sign-up' which includes signing a tenancy agreement, support plan (if applicable) and provides an opportunity for you to meet your Housing Officer/Support Staff.


Applying for Housing - useful tips:-

  • To access CBL you must be registered on the housing waiting list for the area in which you live/wish to live. Once your application is processed you will be issued a band (Emergency, Gold, Silver, Bronze) which reflects the priority level of your housing need.
  • At East Boro all void properties are sent to the Local Authorities who place the properties on their Choice Based Letting System.
  • Bidding is purely showing your Local Authority you are interested in the property - no money is involved.
  • Each Local Authority has a different time period in which to bid on properties; this should be detailed on your letter or the advert itself.
  • East Boro's criteria for sheltered housing is that the person must be 55 years+ and not have a capital over £120,000.
  • Offers of accommodation are made when vacancies arise and to those with the greatest need.

If you have any queries regarding applying for housing at East Boro please contact one of our Lettings Team on 01202 883 503


N.B. If properties are advertised on CBL three times without being let, we will revert to our own waiting list. You can apply directly to be placed on our waiting list by completing our Housing Application Form.

For assistance please call 0333 400 8222