How to pay your rent
Paying your rent as an East Boro tenant could not be easier. There are a number of options available including:
Cheques. All cheques should be made payable to East Boro Housing Trust and can either be posted to East Boro’s office or paid in person at the receptions of our offices in Wimborne or Weymouth.
Cash. Cash should be paid in person at the East Boro’ office reception in Wimborne or Weymouth. Both cheque and cash payments can be made to East Boro staff at Housing Schemes if collection appointments are made.
Direct Debit: If you have a bank or building society account you can pay directly from your account to East Boro automatically via Direct Debit on the first day of each month. Please ask your housing management staff and they can arrange for the payments to be calculated and provide the relevant direct debit form.
Standing order: A standing order works much the same as a direct debit, the only difference is that you have to change the amount you pay at the end of each year at your bank or building society when charges are reassessed. Direct debits would be adjusted automatically.
Rent cards are provided to enable tenants to keep a record of all payments to East Boro and tenant rent accounts can be provided at anytime upon request.
Money matters
If you are struggling to pay your rent, please ask for help. Your East Boro housing officer will be able to help or advise you what to do. Just for information: there are two types of debt: Priority and non-priority debts.
Priority debts are the most important, and if you do not make arrangements to pay these, you could end up losing your home, have the gas, electric and water cut off, have bailiffs take your belongings or even face prosecution.
Non-priority debts include credit cards, store cards, bank overdrafts and phone bills.
At East Boro we are happy to help, support and advise you on all financial matters including rent arrears, so ring our head office on 01202 883 503 to speak to a housing officer now!